Beginner’s Guide To Longboard Skate: Benefits & Maintenance Tips

Looking to become the king or queen of longboard skate? Get ready for an exciting ride!

Longboard skateboarding is a fast-growing sport and lifestyle with no shortage of benefits like physical fitness, social connection, and, most importantly, fun. But, if you are new to the sport, you should know a few important things before hitting the streets.

Today, we will discuss longboard skate with some tips and benefits. We will also give you some tips on maintenance so you can keep your board in great condition! With that said, let’s get started!

What Is Longboard Skateboarding?

Longboard skateboarding is a type of skateboarding that is done on a long, narrow board. A longboard usually has bigger and softer wheels than a standard skateboard and can reach up to 50 mph speeds (there is a world record of 91.17 mph). Longboard skateboarding is often seen as a more relaxed version of skateboarding, with fewer tricks and more cruising.

The beauty of longboarding lies in its diversity, as anyone can hop on a board and find their own unique style of riding. There are different types of skateboards that let longboarders ride in different ways, including freestyle tricks, downhill racing, and just cruising around town. It is also a great way to stay physically active and socially connected with other longboarders.

7 Benefits Of Longboard Skateboarding

Here are 7 of the many benefits of longboard skateboarding:

1. Improved Balance

Longboard skateboarding can help improve your balance, coordination, and agility. You can learn how to stay upright as you cruise around town or even while performing tricks. As you ride your longboard, you constantly shift your weight from side to side, firing up your leg muscles. 

This type of movement challenges your balance and engages your core, strengthening your body’s stabilizing muscles. The more you ride, the better your balance becomes, making daily activities such as walking, running, and even standing easier.

2. Stress Relief

Longboard skateboarding is a great way to relieve stress. Sprinting down the pavement on a longboard can bring an immediate feeling of freedom and release. The repetitive motions of pushing and pumping your board will also help you to clear your mind and release any built-up tension. 

Other than this, being on a longboard requires focus and balance, taking your mind off of any stressors and bringing a sense of joy back into your life.

Read more: Why Do My Feet Hurt When I Skate?

3. Cardio Workout

Longboard skateboarding is a great way to get your heart rate up and get in some cardio. Skateboarding burns calories, tones muscles, and improves aerobic capacity. As you ride, your body is constantly in motion, and your muscles are working hard to keep you balanced. The best part is you can also customize the exercise intensity by changing the terrain you skate on or the speed of your ride.

4. Social Connections

Longboard skateboarding is a great way to connect with other people who share the same passion for the sport. Whether you are cruising with a group or shredding the streets solo, longboarding has a way of bringing people together. 

It is not uncommon for perfect strangers to strike up a conversation or offer tips and tricks. Longboard communities are popping up all over the world, providing a great opportunity to meet new people and make lasting friendships.

5. Self-Confidence Boost

Longboard skateboarding can help boost the confidence of all riders. As you practice and master new tricks, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will boost your self-confidence. In addition to gaining new skills, longboard skateboarding can help you become more physically fit and active, helping you love your body. 

Also, you will turn heads with all the cool tricks and stunts you can do on your board! And don’t worry if you are not an expert yet; it is all about having fun and enjoying the ride!

6. Environmental Benefits

There are just a lot of environmental benefits to longboard skateboarding. Not only is longboarding an eco-friendly mode of transportation, but it also contributes to a cleaner and greener world. 

Longboarding reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions compared to traditional modes of transportation, such as cars. This means that less pollution enters the air and the environment, leading to better air quality for everyone. Other than this, longboarding is also great for the ground below. 

Since longboarders don’t need to use their feet to push off, less dirt and debris will be kicked up, leaving the pavement looking clean.

7. Fun Factor

Nothing beats the thrill of speeding down the street on a longboard. As you carve through turns and perform tricks, it can be easy to forget that you are actually exercising. Longboard skateboarding is a great way to have some fun and get your daily dose of endorphins. 

Once you master the basics, you can explore different terrains, such as the streets and skate parks, and learn some new moves.

Read more: What To Wear To Roller Skate?

5 Longboard Skate Maintenance Tips

Most of you might be waiting for this part because longboard skate maintenance is very important, especially when you love them. Here are the 5 key longboard skate maintenance tips you should know.

1. Clean The Deck & Wheels Regularly

The most important thing to do for any longboard skate maintenance is to keep your board clean. You should clean roller skate wheels regularly and decks, especially after you ride in the rain or snow. Wipe off the dirt and debris using a soft cloth or rag.

2. Lubricate Bearings & Bushings

Your longboard’s bearings and bushings should be lubricated to reduce friction and prevent premature wear. Lubricating your bearings will help you ride faster and smoother. The best way is to use high-quality bearing lubricant and ensure all the bearings are evenly coated before re-installing them. 

It is also important to make sure the bearing shields are in place and not damaged. If they are, you should replace them to avoid any wheel wobble.

3. Tight All Bolts & Nuts

The bolts and nuts on your longboard should be checked and tightened regularly to keep everything in place. Longboards are prone to wear and tear, so it is important to keep all the bolts and nuts tight on your longboard so it is safe to ride. Tighter skate trucks, bolts, and nuts will also help reduce vibration and make riding easier. 

When you are tightening the bolts, make sure to use a torque wrench so you don’t over-tighten them.

4. Inspect Your Wheels Regularly

Even if you have the best quality longboard wheels, you still need to inspect them regularly to ensure they are still in good condition. Check for signs of wear, such as flat spots or cracks, and replace them if you see any. For maximum performance, you should also make sure your wheels have the correct inflation level.

5. Store Your Longboard Safely

Most of the time, we forget to store our longboards safely. But this is an important part of maintaining it. To ensure your board remains in good condition, make sure to store it away from direct sunlight or high temperatures. This will help prevent the plastic parts from becoming brittle and prone to cracking. 

Avoiding damp and dusty areas is key, as these elements can wear down the board and its bearings over time. Additionally, storing your longboard vertically against a wall or rack is ideal, as lying it flat can lead to warping. 

So, always make sure to store your longboard properly when not in use.

Read more: How To Wrap Skateboard?

Beginner’s Guide To Longboard Skate: Final Words

Longboard skateboarding is an amazing sport that provides endless fun and excitement. Today, we shared everything you, as a beginner, should know about longboard skateboarding, its benefits, and even the maintenance tips for longboard skating. 

Now you understand why it has become so popular and what makes it a great sport for those seeking adventure.

Let us know in the comments if you still have any questions left.

Goodbye & Keep Skating Like A Pro With SkatersDen!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is longboard skateboarding safe?

Yes, longboard skateboarding is safe if you wear the appropriate safety gear. Helmets, gloves, and knee pads are essential to protect yourself from falls or other injuries. You should also take the time to practice in a safe environment, such as a skate park, away from traffic and pedestrians.

Q: How often should I wax my longboard?

Waxing your longboard helps reduce friction, which can improve your speed and performance. If you ride it frequently, you need to wax your board every two or three weeks. But if you don’t ride it often, waxing it every one to two months should be enough.

Q: What type of terrain is best for longboard skateboarding?

The terrain you ride depends on your preference and skill level. Beginner riders should stick to smooth, flat surfaces such as pavements and concrete. Intermediate riders can try out ramps and hills, while advanced riders can try rails or other challenging terrain.

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