How To Change Roller Skate Wheels In 5 Minutes?

Who wants to avoid having fun and stay active simultaneously and search for such a way? While roller skating, you smile, burn calories, and express your style. You also save money on rental fees. But to maintain them, you must learn how to change roller skate wheels. 

With time, you may get bored and want to customize them, or the wheels can wear down. Therefore, you need to change roller skate wheels. But how to change roller skate wheels? For that purpose, be patient, get a few tools, and start changing them since it is the key to keep them rolling smoothly. 

Let’s find out how to change roller skate wheels easily in less than 5 minutes. Note that we will share two different methods of changing roller skate wheels. One will be with tools, and the other will be without tools. So, make sure to pick the one that fits you perfectly.

When To Change Roller Skate Wheels?

Whether you own a bike or a car, you notice that their tires wear down over time and lead to rough rides. Skate wheels are the same and become uneven. Did they “pull” to one side or become bumpy? When you look at them, they look worn out and have pockmarks. Now it’s time to change them and get new ones.

Change roller skate wheels, and you can skate both indoors and outdoors. For skating indoors, you need harder skate wheels, while for skating outdoors, you need those that can absorb the shocks from bumpy streets, uneven pavement, debris, and more.

You can change your wheels because trying different colored and designed wheels can be fun! And after all, who wants to avoid getting their hands on the glowing versions with lights inside skate wheels? Don’t wait for your skating wheels to last a lifetime, and get the trendy ones.

Things You Need To Change Roller Skate Wheels

The following are the things you need to change roller skate wheels. Make sure to keep them ready so that you don’t have to pause in between changing the wheels.

  • Skate tool or wrench
  • Replacement wheels
  • Bearings (if you are replacing them too)
  • Bearing press (optional)
  • Bearing cleaner (optional)
  • Rag or towel for cleaning
  • Skateboard grip tape (optional)
  • Safety gloves (optional)
  • Allen key set (optional)

7 Steps: How To Change Roller Skate Wheels And Bearings?

Follow these seven steps and change roller skate wheels and bearings.

Step 1: Safety First

Wear protective gear, which includes comfortable clothes, gloves, a helmet, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. It is essential for preventing injuries while changing roller skate wheels.

Step 2: Remove The Old Wheels

Use your skate tool to loosen and remove the axle nuts on the old wheels. Keep the nuts inside since you’ll need them in the future. Take a bearing puller to remove the bearings and preserve them for later. However, if you don’t have one, use an axle carefully to push the bearings out without damaging them.

Once you remove the bearings, slide the old wheels off the axles. If they look as good as new, you can store them as spares or sell them.

Step 3: Clean And Inspect The Bearings

Clean and inspect your bearings before installing them on your new wheels by following these simple steps.

  • Observe the bearings closely for any signs of damage, wear, or rust. Replace the damaged or rusty ones with new bearings.
  • If bearings look good, clean them with an isopropyl alcohol solution or bearing cleaning kit. Dip the bearings in the alcohol solution and spin them to remove debris or dirt. In the case of the cleaning kit, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Let them dry before applying the bearing lubricant. Ensure smooth rotation by applying a little lubricant to each bearing. Using excessive lubricant reduces performance and attracts dirt.

Step 4: Install Bearings On New Wheels

Finally, when your bearings are clean and lubricated, install them on your new wheels.

  • When you place a bearing inside the wheel’s hub, check if its open side faces outward and the sealed one faces the wheel.
  • Continue pressing the bearing into the hub until it’s seated tightly. Gently use the axle to push it to avoid damaging the bearing, and repeat it for all the new wheels.

Step 5: Install New Wheels

Install your new wheels on your skates with clean and lubricated bearings.

  • Slide the new wheels on the axles, but ensure they align with the bearings.
  • Place the axle nuts on your axles and hand-tighten them so the wheels can stay in place.
  • Use your skate tool to tighten the axle nuts while making the wheels spin freely. Don’t overtight them to avoid damaged bearings.

Step 6: Test Your Skates

Before you hit the pavement, test your skates to ensure everything is perfect.

  • Spin the wheels to check whether they rotate smoothly or not.
  • Rock your skates back and forth, stop on roller skates, and if you sense any side-to-side movement, the axle nuts are too loose, so tighten them.
  • Take a few steps to check how your skates feel after getting new wheels. Be patient and learn to adapt to the new feel of your skates because of changes in wheel size or hardness.

Step 7: Adjust And Fine-Tune

After you test them, you realize that your skates need adjustments and fine-tuning.

  • Experiment with various wheel configurations, such as mixing hard and soft wheels, to find the perfect setup that aligns with your skating style and the surface you’re skating on.
  • Ensure all the axle nuts are tight but not excessively tight.
  • Check your wheels and bearings and replace them when needed.

So, these are our seven steps to change roller skate wheels and bearings easily.

7 Steps: How To Change Roller Skate Wheels Without Tools?

This method is for beginners or those who don’t have access to skate tools. To perform this method, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1: Find A Rough Surface

 Find a rough surface since it will help grip the wheels and prevent them from spinning while you remove the axle nuts.

Step 2: Remove The Skate

Look for the axle nut on the wheel you want to change. Place the skate on a rough surface, and hold still with your toe. Use your other foot to remove the axle nut by turning it counterclockwise.

Step 3: Position The Skate Upside Down

It is essential to place the skate upside down to keep the wheels facing up. This position will help you prevent losing bearings and spacers when you remove the wheels.

Step 4: Step On The Wheel

Create pressure on the wheel by standing on one of the skate’s old wheels. Doing this will make it easier to remove the wheel.

Step 5: Use Your Other Foot

Use your heel to push down on the wheel you are standing on and push hard. This is because we are not using any tools, so you need to put in some strength.

Step 6: Repeat For All Wheels

Repeat the process for all wheels you will change, but keep the skate steady.

Step 7: Install New Wheels

After removing the old wheels, put on the new ones and use nuts to secure them.

How To Change Roller Skate Wheels: Final Words

Changing roller skate wheels is simple, but taking the proper steps is necessary to ensure performance and safety. With essential maintenance and the right tools, you can skate smoothly and have fun. 

Once you upgrade your wheels or replace the worn-out ones, you are all set to have fun and enjoy your roller-skating adventures.

Let us know in the comments if you still have any questions left.

Goodbye & Keep Skating Like A Pro With SkatersDen!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I change my roller skate wheels?

The frequency of changing your roller skate wheels depends largely on how often you skate and the surfaces you skate on. However, if you notice significant wear, such as flat spots or chips, or your wheels don’t spin as smoothly, it’s time to consider a change.

Q: Can I use any type of wheel on my roller skates?

Not all wheels are suitable for every type of skating. Harder wheels are ideal for smooth surfaces and offer more speed, while softer wheels provide more grip and are better for rough surfaces. Always choose wheels that match your skating style and the surface you usually skate on.

Q: Do I need special tools to change my roller skate wheels?

While a skate tool is the most convenient for changing wheels, you can manage without it as well. This guide includes steps to change wheels both with and without tools. Always remember safety should be your top priority, so if you’re unsure, it might be worth investing in the right tools.

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