How To Turn Around On Roller Skates? 4 Simple Steps

Roller skating is one of the most enjoyable and thrilling activities for people of all ages. But what if you need to turn around while skating? How do you keep yourself upright while making the change in direction? 

In this blog post, we will explain how to turn around on roller skates. We bet this blog will make you confident enough to take on any tight corner.

Why Do You Need To Turn Around On Roller Skates?

If you roller skate in a park or a place where there are a lot of people, you must have the skill to turn around quickly and accurately. When you need to change direction or avoid an obstacle, being confident in your turning skills can prevent falls and collisions with other skaters. Other than this, being able to turn around smoothly and gracefully adds an element of style to your skating that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Other solid reasons why you need to be able to turn around on roller skates include:

  • To dodge obstacles like parked cars, benches, and children playing in the park
  • To move quickly in and out of tight corners or around obstacles
  • To make sharp turns around corners and other obstacles
  • To show off your style and agility

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Preparations For Turning Around On Roller Skates

Here are the three preparations that are a must-do for turning around on roller skates:

Get The Right Gear

The most important preparation for turning around on roller skates is to make sure you have the right gear. You should always wear a helmet, elbow, and knee pads for safety. Besides safety gear, you have to make sure your roller skates fit you properly and have plenty of traction. 

If you plan to perform exceptional tricks and quick turns, then wear hard boots with toe caps for extra protection. Also, ensure that your wheels are in good condition and are the right size for your weight.

Choose The Right Surface

The surface you are skating on will determine how much grip and resistance your wheels have. Smooth surfaces, such as asphalt or concrete, give less grip, while rougher surfaces, such as wooden floors or concrete with sandpaper, provide more grip. It all comes down to your experience and comfort level when skating.

Do Stretching & Warm Up

Before attempting to turn around on roller skates, doing some stretching and warm-up exercises is important. Stretching and warming up for a few minutes will help prepare your muscles for the activity, reducing the chances of injuries.

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4 Steps – How To Turn Around On Roller Skates?

Here are the four simple steps that you can follow to learn basic roller skating turning techniques:

Step 1. Stance & Balance

The key to turning around on roller skates is to maintain your balance. Your stance should be stable, and your weight should be evenly distributed between both skates. When you skate forward, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly to maintain balance (same for backwards skating).

As you begin to turn, shift your weight to the foot on the outside of the turn and use your body to guide the direction of your skates. Remember to keep your head up and look where you want to go while skating backwards or forward.

Step 2. Use Your Toes

To initiate a turn, push down with your toes to apply pressure to the outside of your skates. This will cause your skates to move in the direction you want them to go. When you want to complete the turn, push down with your toes again and use your body to guide the motion of your skates.

Step 3. Maintain Your Momentum

After initiating the turn, you need to maintain your momentum by leaning in the direction you want to go. As your body pushes against the skates, it helps to turn them in the desired direction so you can skate backwards quickly.

To illustrate, imagine you are skating in a straight line, and then you decide to turn left or start roller skating backwards. You need to lean your body slightly towards the left, which will cause your skates to move in the direction of the turn.

Step 4. Practice

Of course, you will not be able to execute all the steps perfectly on your first try. The best way to improve is to practice and get used to the feeling of turning around on roller skates.

Different Roller Skates Turning Techniques

If you are not an experienced skater, you might not have heard about roller skates turning techniques. Here are a few of them:

T-Stop Technique

T-Stop is a turning technique on roller skates that helps you to come to a complete stop. This can be used if you are coming around a corner or need to quickly turn around when you are skating. To perform the T-Stop, you have to:

  • Push your toes down to the ground and stop the motion in one leg
  • Shift your body weight to the other leg and use it as the pivot point
  • Turn your body in the direction of the turn and use your arms to maintain balance
  • Push down with both toes so that both skates move backwards, creating a “T” shape
  • Once both skates have stopped spinning, you can then stand up in an upright position

Counter-Turn Technique

With the Counter-Turn technique, you can make a sharp turn without having to come to a complete stop. This technique is ideal for experienced skaters who want to maintain their momentum while turning around on roller skates. To perform a Counter-Turn:

  • Push down with your toes and turn your skates in the desired direction
  • Lean against the skates as you move in a counter-clockwise direction
  • As you complete the turn, keep your weight on the outside of your skates and push down with both toes to stop spinning
  • Once you have completed the turn, your skates should be in an upright position

Power Slide Technique

The Power Slide technique is a great way to make a sharp turn without having to come to a complete stop. This technique involves pushing off with one foot and sliding your other foot in the direction you want to go. To perform a Power Slide:

  • Push off with your dominant foot forward (usually right foot) and slide your left foot in the direction you want to go
  • As you complete the turn, use your arms and body to maintain balance
  • Push down with your toes, and both skates should slide in the desired direction
  • Once you have completed the turn, your skates should be in an upright position

Mohawk-Turn Technique

In the Mohawk-Turn technique, you use your skates to perform a more advanced turning manoeuvre. This technique allows experienced skaters to make quick and sharp turns without having to come to a complete stop. Only attempt this technique if you have mastered the more basic turning techniques.

To perform a Mohawk-Turn, you must:

  • Push down with your toes and lean your body inwards so that you are turning on a diagonal
  • Use your arms to balance yourself as you turn
  • Push down with both toes to stop the motion of your skates
  • You should be now standing upright in the roller rink

Three-Turn Technique

The Three-Turn technique is one of the more advanced turning techniques used by experienced skaters. As the name implies, this technique involves making three turns in succession. This is an excellent way to gain speed while turning around on roller skates.

Skaters can use the Three-Turn technique with practice and skill to quickly change direction and maintain momentum. To perform a Three-Turn:

  • Start off by turning your skates in the desired direction
  • Lean against the turn and use your arms to maintain balance
  • Push down with your toes to complete the first turn
  • After completing the first turn, immediately make a second one in the same direction in backward skating
  • To complete the third turn, push down with both toes to stop the motion and stand up in an upright position

All turning techniques are almost similar, but focusing on the technique that best suits your skating style is important.

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Common Skate Turn Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

When someone is new to roller skating, they often make mistakes. Making mistakes are quite common, but only if you make the common ones and are willing to improve. Here are some common mistakes beginners make and how to avoid them:

Not Leaning Into The Turn

Leaning seems hard to some, especially if they just try to stay upright. But leaning into the turn with bent knees is crucial in properly turning on roller skates. Doing it right will not only help you turn more easily but also keep you from falling. To properly lean into the turn, shift your weight onto your outside leg and bend your inside knee slightly.

Not Enforcing The Push-Off

Other than leaning into the turn, a strong push-off is key to making any kind of turn. How? A light push-off on your outside leg helps you gain momentum and stability. When making a turn, make sure to tense your muscles as you push off from the ground. Doing so will help you gain more control and speed.

Failing To Find Your Center Of Gravity

This is a mistake that everyone makes. When you are on inline skates, your center of gravity is naturally at the back of your feet. Beginners often make the mistake of not finding their center of gravity, which can lead to loss of control and balance. However, that’s not a problem at all because your body is naturally made to find its way. 

Just take your time and focus on keeping your balance and adjusting your position while skating. Start with a slight bend in your knees and the upper body. Focus on this basic technique first so you get to know your stable position on quad skates.

Not Practicing The Basics

After reading about the basics, newbies say that these things are not that difficult. For this reason, they don’t practice the basics and continue to move forward. Skaters should never miss out on practicing the basics, as this will help them to stay in control and maintain a good balance. In addition, it is important to be comfortable with the basics before attempting any advanced tricks.

How To Turn Around On Roller Skates: Final Words

As final words, we would say that turning on roller skates takes some practice and patience. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Just take your time, practice the basics, and be conscious of your balance. 

Always keep on learning and improving. If you are passionate about roller skating, there is no reason why you can’t make turns on your roller skates. Just keep practicing and never give up!

Let us know in the comments if you still have any questions left.

Goodbye & Keep Skating Like A Pro With SkatersDen!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How to position body when turning on skate?

When turning on skate, you have to lean your weight onto your outside leg and bend your inside knee slightly. Push off with both feet to complete the third turn and stand upright to stop the motion.

Q: What mistake to avoid when turning around on roller skates?

You should avoid failing to find your center of gravity, not leaning into the turn, and not practicing the basics. Finding your center of gravity is important for balance and control. Leaning into the turn is crucial for proper turning, and practicing the basics will help you be more comfortable with your skate turns.

Q: How to improve skate turning?

Skate turning is not something you can learn overnight. It takes practice and commitment to improve your skills. Start by mastering the basics, such as finding your center of gravity and pushing off with both feet. Then, practice often and with patience to improve your skills. Also, try different types of turns and never be afraid to ask for help from more experienced skaters.

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