Hockey Skates Vs Figure Skates: Which Is Better & Why?

Multiple types of skates make it hard for a beginner to choose a specific type for learning and enjoyment. A big debate regarding being better among hockey and figure skates is common.

Are you one of those looking for a discussion regarding hockey skates vs figure skates? You have landed on the right page of our website.

In this blog, we will show you what these two types of skates are and which are better. We will also share a detailed guide regarding their similarities and differences. Let’s get started! 

Figure Skates

It is a particular type of skate used widely by beginners for ice skating. In these skates, the blade isn’t attached throughout the shoes. But the shoes have been designed particularly by attaching them to the shoe’s lower surface at some points.

Figure skates are considered the best for elegant performances regarding ice dancing, jumping, and other related moves. These particular skates have a toe-attached curve that is called a rocker. 

Many skaters use this curve for one-foot skating, which is also called the rocker turn. Due to their point-to-point attachment with a shoe, figure skates enable the rider to distribute the weight throughout the shoes.

Hockey Skates

If you are a skate lover, you may have seen people playing hockey while skating on the ice. The skates used by those playing this game are called hockey skates. 

This type of skate isn’t similar to other skates like roller skates. A pair of hockey skates have blades directly connected to the shoes throughout the length. Undoubtedly, it makes balancing hard for a person, but the speed becomes fast. 

The design of hockey skates is kept like this to provide enough speed for players to pass through their opponents and play this game. At the same time, there are preventive measures that every player should take.

For example, players should first learn how tight their hockey skates should be. The reason is that strongly tightened skates of this type can hurt the feet because of direct connection. 

Read more: Which Is Better Roller Skates Or Skateboard?

Figure Skate Vs Hockey Skate: Which Is Better?

No doubt, both skate types are suitable for particular tasks/activities. But figure skates are better than hockey skates when discussing knowledge level. A person doesn’t have to be extraordinary to enjoy their figure skates.

The blades’ unique design and indirect connection make them suitable and safe for everyone. One can easily wear these skates and start enjoying the ice. The balanced design allows for avoiding any unexpected conditions like an accident. 

Conversely, hockey skates are used by professionals who know how to handle their moves and perform well on the skate. These skates are undoubtedly faster than figure skates, but it isn’t a feature everyone is looking for.

Also, you can learn how to skate faster by using figure skates properly to match their speed with hockey skates. This feature isn’t essential, so it makes figure skates better than hockey skates based on other factors like safety, design, and balanced position. 

With that said, here are some of the major factors in terms of which you can compare hockey skates and figure skates.


The overall design of hockey and figure skates is similar. Both skates have a shoe structure covering the feet and a blade attached to the bottom. But the blade design is different in both skates, making them useful for only a particular group of players.

Hockey skates have a fixed blade directly attached to the bottom boot surface. The blade is directly connected to the boot’s sole; no point is left.

On the other side, figure skates have a little different blades. The blade of this skate type is attached to the shoe sole at some points only. It means the connection between the sole and the blade isn’t smooth.

Depending on this, figure skates are considered better because they distribute the weight properly. So, the riders will be able to maintain balance in them even if they are not professional enough.

Speed & Braking

When comparing these skates depending on speed and braking system, hockey skates are above figure skates. The former type of skate can move faster than the latter one.

Conversely, the braking method for hockey skates is also instantly compared to figure skates. The reason the former type of skate is designed with instant braking and faster speed is the requirement of the play.

While playing hockey, everyone wants to beat their opponent to reach their destination and stop their skates if they make a mistake in returning. That’s why hockey skates are designed to move faster. 


To deeply learn a blog about figure skates vs hockey skates, you should also compare them based on their weights. Figure skates are heavier than hockey skates, making them better at balancing and movement.

At the same time, hockey skates are considered better because of lightweight as the players won’t get tired. That’s why hockey players don’t feel tired even when playing this game for hours. 

Being light in weight, hockey skates can also be carried easily compared to figure skates. You don’t need to learn how to carry skates if you have hockey skates, while you may learn it in the case of figure skates. 


As mentioned earlier, beginners can use figure skates, which makes them safe automatically compared to hockey skates. But for proper understanding, let us show you how the former type of skate is better than the latter one.

Figure skates, having blades indirectly connected with the sole, are safe because of weight distribution and less connection with feet. You will feel safe in these skates as your feet won’t get attached to the sharp blade directly.

On the other side, players can get hurt because of the direct and complete connection of the blade with the sole of the shoes. It can be common for beginners to get a cut on the toe or bottom side of their feet if not handled properly.

Additionally, you will find figure skates safe because you don’t need to learn a specific way to lace your skates. It is up to you to wear them tight or loose as per your comfort.

On the other hand, you must keep a proper balance while wearing hockey skates. Extra tightness can leave you in irritation and uncomfortable feelings during your game. 

Read more: What To Wear To Roller Skate?

Hockey Skates Vs Figure Skates: Final Words

You have learned about both types in detail in the above guide regarding hockey skates vs figure skates. Which skates suit you according to your knowledge level? Taking precautions or learning about a particular sport is recommended before starting it. You can enjoy this sport and feel safe on the ground. 

Let us know in the comments if you still have any questions left.

Goodbye & Keep Skating Like A Pro With SkatersDen!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there any difference between hockey skates and figure skates?

Hockey and figure skates are designed with specific requirements in mind. While they may look similar, hockey skates are typically shorter and wider than figure skates, making them more stable and maneuverable on the ice. Figure skates, on the other hand, are designed for elegance and grace. They feature a longer blade and a narrow toe pick to make jumps and spins easier.

Q: How do you skate on hockey skates like a pro?

If you want to skate on hockey skates like a pro, remember a few key things. First, make sure your skates are properly fitted and laced up tightly. Next, keep your knees bent and your weight centered over your feet. This will help you maintain stability and control as you move. Finally, the more time you spend on the ice, the more comfortable and confident you will feel in your hockey skates.

Q: Is figure skating good for beginners?

Figure skating can be an excellent sport for beginners, providing a fun and challenging experience. Beginners can benefit greatly from figure skating, as it promotes physical fitness and improves balance, coordination, and flexibility. 

Figure skating also enhances cognitive skills such as focus and memorization, as skaters need to remember complex routines and execute them flawlessly. Beginner classes teach fundamental skating skills such as stopping, turning, and basic jumps to help build confidence.

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