Do New Ice Skates Need to be Sharpened? 4 Reasons

Do new ice skates need to be sharpened? Yes. All ice skates need to be sharpened before first use; this ensures that you have a clean edge on the blade and reduces friction between the blade and boot.

Ice skaters who want better performance and ice skating experience in the skating rink should invest in sharpening their new skates. New skates do not have the same hardness as old ones, so they need to be sharpened before you start skating on them.

But what do we mean by ice skate sharpening? Here’s the answer:

Ice Skates Sharpening Defined

Ice hockey skate sharpening is the process of grinding the metal blade of an ice skate to create sharp edges. The sharpness of the steel skate blade is important for providing traction and maneuverability on the ice.

The process involves removing a thin layer of metal from the blade using a grinding wheel, which reshapes the blade’s edge to the desired shape and angle.

The angle of the blade’s edge can vary depending on the skater’s preference, with a sharper angle providing more maneuverability but requiring more maintenance, while a shallower angle provides more stability but less maneuverability.

It is important to have your skates sharpened regularly to ensure optimal performance and reduce the risk of injury.

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Angles To Get Your Skates Sharpened

The angle at which you should have your ice skates sharpened is determined by your skating style and personal preference. The angle refers to the degree of the blade’s edge in relation to the center line of the skate blade. A sharper angle provides more maneuverability and speed but requires more maintenance, while a shallower angle provides more stability but less maneuverability.

Here are the preferred sharpening angles for various skate blades:

Figure Skates

The standard sharpening angle for figure skates is between 7 and 12 degrees. This angle is relatively shallow and provides more stability for skaters performing intricate footwork and jumps. The angle can vary depending on the skater’s preference and the type of ice surface they are skating on.

Hockey Skates

The standard angle for hockey skates is typically between 20 and 30 degrees. This angle is much sharper than the angle used for figure skates and provides more manoeuvrability and speed on the ice. However, the blade requires more maintenance and is more prone to dulling.

Goalie Skates

Goalie skates typically have a flatter blade profile, with a sharpening angle between 3 and 5 degrees. This flat profile allows the goalie to slide and shuffle on the ice with more control and stability.

Speed Skates

Speed skates have a sharpening angle between 25 and 40 degrees, depending on the skater’s preference and the type of ice surface they are skating on. This angle allows for maximum speed and maneuverability on the ice.

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4 Ways To Check The Sharpness Of Hockey Skates

Checking the sharpness of your hockey skates is an important part of maintenance to ensure optimal performance and reduce the risk of injury. Here are 4 ways you can check the sharpness of your hockey skates:

1. Visual Inspection

Here are the steps involved in visually checking your skate blades for sharpening:

  • Look for a well-lit area where you can easily see the skate blades. Ideally, you should have good overhead lighting or a bright flashlight.
  • Inspect the blades for any nicks, flat spots, or other signs of damage. Run your finger along the blade to feel for any bumps or rough areas. These can impact the performance of your skates on the ice and may require sharpening or repairs.
  • Check for any signs of rust or discoloration on the blades. Rust can cause the blades to deteriorate and may require professional cleaning or replacement.
  • Look at the edges of the blades to assess their sharpness. A sharp blade should have a clean, even edge with no dull spots or areas where the blade appears rounded.
  • Look down the length of the blades to check for any misalignment or unevenness. The blades should be straight and parallel to each other.

2. Scratch Test

After visual inspection, you can perform a scratch test by following these steps:

  • Look for a smooth surface like a countertop or a table that is at least waist height.
  • Hold the skate boot with one hand and the blade with the other hand. Hold the blade perpendicular to the surface of the countertop or table.
  • Apply light pressure to the blade and run it across the surface of the countertop or table. The blade should scratch the surface with minimal pressure.
  • Check the scratch that was made by the blade. A sharp blade should leave a fine, even scratch on the surface. If the scratch is shallow, uneven, or stops before the end of the blade, it may need to be sharpened.
  • Repeat the process: Repeat the process on the other blade to ensure that both blades are equally sharp.

3. Edge Test

Run your finger along the edge of the blade. A sharp blade will feel slightly rough and catch your finger, while a dull blade will feel smooth and slide easily along your finger.

Another way to perform the edge test involves checking the blades against a hard surface. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Look for a hard surface like a cement floor or a metal bench that is at least waist height.
  • Hold the skate boot with one hand and the blade with the other hand. Hold the blade at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the hard object.
  • Apply light pressure to the blade and try to rock it back and forth along the edge.
  • Check the grip of the blade on the hard surface. A sharp blade should grip the surface and not slip or slide. If the blade slips or slides, it may need to be sharpened.
  • Repeat the process: Repeat the process on the other blade to ensure that both blades are equally sharp.

4. Skating Test

Take your skates for a spin on the ice and pay attention to how they feel. If you’re having difficulty making turns or stops or not getting enough grip on the ice, it’s a sign that your blades need to be sharpened.

It is recommended to sharpen your hockey skates after every 10-15 hours of use, but the frequency of sharpening can vary depending on factors such as your weight, skating style, and the type of ice surface you’re skating on.

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4 Reasons To Sharpen Your Hockey Skates

Ice hockey skates come sharpened. However, this is not always true. You need to sharpen your hockey skates for several reasons, including:

1. Better Performance

Sharpened skates provide a better grip on the ice, allowing you to make faster turns, stops, and maneuvers. This is especially important for hockey players who need to move quickly and change direction rapidly during a game.

2. Injury Prevention

Compared to comfortable skates, dull skates can be more dangerous on the ice, increasing the risk of slips, falls, and injuries. Sharp skates provide better control and stability on the ice, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

3. Extended Lifespan

Regular skate sharpening can extend the lifespan of your skates by preventing damage to the blade caused by dull edges. A well-maintained blade will also wear down more evenly, reducing the need for expensive repairs or replacements.

4. Personal Preference

Different skaters have different preferences for the level of sharpness in their skates. Some prefer a sharper blade for better maneuverability, while others prefer a shallower angle for more stability. Regular skate sharpening allows you to maintain the edge angle that works best for your skating style and needs.

So, get your hockey skates professionally sharpened to get the best performance.

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Do New Ice Skates Need to be Sharpened: Final Words

New hockey skates typically come with a factory edge that is suitable for beginners or recreational players. However, if you are a more experienced player or looking for optimal performance on the ice, it’s recommended to have your skates sharpened before use. The sharpness of your skate blades can affect your performance and reduce your risk of injury.

Let us know in the comments if you still have any questions left.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should hockey skates last?

Typically, beginner-level hockey skates designed for recreational use and with lower-quality materials may last around one to two seasons with proper care and maintenance. On the other hand, high-end hockey skates designed for professional or competitive use and made with higher-quality materials can last for several seasons.

Q: How much does it cost to get ice skates sharpened?

The cost of sharpening ice skates can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, the type of skates, and the level of service required. Typically, the cost of sharpening ice skates can range from $5 to $15 per pair.

Q: When to sharpen ice skates?

Ice skates should be sharpened regularly to maintain their performance, safety, and longevity. The frequency of sharpening can vary depending on factors such as the skater’s weight, skating style, and the type of ice surface they are skating on. In general, sharpening ice skates after every 10-15 hours of use is recommended.

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